How we are leading the way in electrification and digitization

SPIT 's holistic approach ensures that we can always serve you, whatever your needs. 


Use our real power

We have all the tools, stock and skilled engineers available to support you 24 hours a day in the event of an urgent failure of an old drive. But our real added value lies in our ability to map your installed base and make risks transparent. In this way, you can see in time where problems may arise in your complex installations.

We win together

A traditional service company wins when you lose; for example, in an unplanned outage. SPIT wins when you win and your plant can deliver that performance when you need it.

Our holistic approach in brief

SPIT keeps the overview. Through our decades of experience with similar companies in your industry, we know exactly what it takes to optimize your process. In doing so, there is continuous cooperation between the four pillars of our business:

through sensors, we retrieve real-time data from your machines. We visualize this in dashboards and analyze it using artificial intelligence. So you know exactly when maintenance is needed.

rely on our reliable field service when urgent repair or replacement is needed. You can also rely on us for inventory management.

Uptime guarantee
What level of service do you want to purchase from us? Together we will ensure that you achieve the desired results.

machines and other hardware remain the basis of what we do. Therefore, we also provide supply, engineering and retrofit of these.


Intern Mechatronics (Almelo)

Intern Mechatronics (Almelo)

As an intern or graduate student at SPIT , you'll be part of a surprisingly dynamic world. For there is a rich world behind the maintenance and overhaul work we perform on drives.

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